TAFE will put in practical applications TICF (Tomoiu Internal Confinement Fusion) technology as: power generation, heating, transportation, Hydrogen generation and thermo-nuclear propulsion. TICF was invented and fully developed solely by Constantin Tomoiu as a responce to "Global Warming". TICF reactors are the only ones that convert mass to energy in a controled manner, and output continously net energy with zero emmision or harmful radiation.
10 (ten) reactors have been independently tested in 2 Universities (9 of them) and 5 independent laboratories generating of any time of testing continous exccess enrgy with Q=3.56 (energy output/total energy input). Over 2,000 pg. of certified documents by the testers (reports, PowerPoint and tests data collected) made inposible to dismiss the merit of TICF technology.
TICF technology is fully developed and ready to power the world.
Based on unique concept and performance TICF technology worldwaide have ZERO COMPETITION.
NIF (National Ignition Facility), is a US - DOE's, 3.5 billions of dollars Laboratory.
On December 05/2022 NIF, has performed a Deuterium-Tritium, Inertial Confinament Fusion (ICF) with the total input greater than 400 MJ (111 KWh) of electric energy and an output of 3.15 MJ of thermal energy for only 20 nanaoseconds. NIF loss of the input energy is 396.85 MJ (99.2 % loss), resulting in a performance Q (output energy/total input energy) Q=0.00785).
TICF (Tomoiu Internal Confiement Fusion):
In the years of 2019 & 2020 at CUNY-CCNY, the TICF G-2 reactor with a total input of 4.407 MJ/h of chemical energy stored in 31 grams of molecular Hydrogen , has continously output 15.962 MJ/h of thermal energy (356%) resulting in 11.555 MJ/h of net gain energy (Q=3.56), and has been sustaned repeatedly. In fact, all TICF reactors have output continously net energy.
At a public demonstration at Hartford Ct. on November 19/2024 Gamma-3b TICF reactor with a input of 1.704 MJ contaned in 12 grams of H2, has contnously output 10.661 MJh of thermal energy resulting in Q=6.256 (625.6%).
TICF has outperformed NIF by 797 times.
NIF, 20 nanoseconds runs time before the reaction ends.
NIF, to run a new experiment takes months of preparation, and a lot of energy and money.
TICF reactors runs continously, (start and stop with a push of a button) .
TICF (Tomoiu Internal Confinement Fusion) is the most advanced technology for nuclear fusion energy generation, and the only that generate continuously clean net energy.
TICF is a hybrid process, a chemical-thermonuclear fusion process, which uses various forces and energies internally self-generated to form, heat, compress and confine multiple hydrogen micro-plasmas, and simultaneously control (in a single device) multiple momentary micro-thermonuclear fusion reactions (MMTFRs).
Each individual MMTFR is the smallest functional momentary thermonuclear fusion reactor. The devices that I calling reactors are in fact MMTFRs generators.
MMTFRs micro-plasma are exposed to high frequency acoustic waves, magnetic fields and electro-magnetic pulses (EMP) internally self-generated.
At any instant in time millions of MMTFR are continuously generated then disintegrate into reaction products and energies.
TICF reactors don’t use electric energy or need an external energy source to heat, compress and confine simultaneously multiple micro-plasmas.
Molecular Hydrogen is used to initiate micro-chemical reactions and to form micro-plasmas. Water is added from which Protium is separated by internal process and used to fuel micro-thermonuclear reactions.
No other forms of energies are added in addition to chemical energy stored in Hydrogen. Auxiliary equipment to run actual reactors consumes only 0.250 KWh.
In fact TICF is the only technology that extract thermal and electric net energy gain (NEG) from water through a chemical-thermonuclear process.
Based on large amount of net energy output, positives Ion’s detections, absence of Gamma radiation and no effect of neutrons radiation on reactor’s walls or components, point to this reaction: Protium - N15.
TICF reactors have been intensively tested in 2 Universities and 5 independent laboratories where continuously have output net energy, with a performance of gamma-2 reactor of Q=3.56 (356%) of thermal energy.
TICF reactors have accumulated thousands of hours of net clean energy output in a continuous mode.
From April 2013 to March 2022, 10 reactors have been independently tested in 2 University UMD & CUNY-CCNY (9 of them) and 5 independent laboratories generating at any time of testing continuous net energy. Over 2,000 pg. of certified documents by the testers (reports, PowerPoints and data collected) made impossible to dismiss the merit of the TICF technology.
This investigation was done at CUNY-CCNY by Professor Marco J. Castaldi PhD and his team
in the Combustion and Catalysis Lab. (CCL)
Independent tests performed on G-2 reactor reviled remarkable observation of excess energy of 2.46 times of H2’s calorific input resulting in a performance index Q=3.56. In fact, all TICF reactors have continuously output considerable net energy.
A costume calorimeter has been built and used at CCNY, on c-type reactors as a second way to quantify the excess energy output. Calorimeter was equipped with a water jacket and an electric heater comparator. Electric heater comparator has been run independently for comparison with c-type reactors tests. Then c-type reactors been independently run (with electric comparator turned off). Data obtained shows that net energy has been constantly generated reconfirming any previsions tests.
High frequency sound waves have been detected, as a prove of the formation of air, fuel & water micro-packets, and the shack waves generated by micro-explosions and the burst of MMTFRs.
Using a Tektronix TDS2012C oscilloscope the burst of MMTFRs plasma have been detected and recorded. MMTFRs random plasma collisions and clusters formations also has been detected and recorded.
MMTFRs plasma burst are ejecting mater and energy. The ejected mater is a plasma constituting primarily of electrons and protons embedded within the magnetic field depositing its energies into the nearby surroundings MMTFRs,
Positives charged particles were detected, which is believe to be positive ions generated by decaying of Alpha particles into Helium4.
The temperature measured within the reactor exceeded with 11 times the Hydrogen adiabatic flame temperature, based upon the respective heat and material balance when water was added to air-fuel mixture.
Adding water to air-fuel mixture reactor temperature increase.
Replacing water with an inert gas as Argon or Helium, then no excess energy been generated. This came to a conclusion that Hydrogen from water is responsible for the unprecedented net energy produced.
Multiple tests using CO + AIR + WATER resulted in excess energy (Beta reactor Q=2.44). CO contain no Hydrogen, then again only Hydrogen from water plays a role in excess energy production via Einstein mass and energy equivalence.
Tests using CO + AIR + (depleted Deuterium water and depleted Boron water) resulted in net energy production and this prove again that Hydrogen from water plays a role in net energy production.
In CO tests (no hydrogen available), replacing water with an inert gas as Argon or Helium, then no excess energy been generated. Again, this came to a conclusion that Hydrogen from water is responsible for the unprecedented net energy produced.
Tomoiu GAMMA-2 reactor has output 3,560,450 times more energy/Kg from PROTIUM than molecular Hydrogen.
Multiple experiments have proved that the unprecedented excess energy is generated only when Water is added to air-fuel mixture.
TICF reactors, have also proved its high efficiency to decompose hydrocarbons into Hydrogen and black carbon.
Retrofitting for example a “natural gas electric powerplant” with TICF reactor will result in increase
of thermal energy from 55 MJ/Kg HHV (natural gas) to > 99.605 MJ/Kg with zero emissions.
Here is the calculation:
Decomposition of 1 Kg of natural gas (95% methane contain) result in 0.250 Kg of Hydrogen with 35.5 MJ thermal energy contain.
A 0.250 Kg Hydrogen input into TICF reactor, with an efficiency of 356% will result in:
(35.5 MJ) x (3.56 time) = 126.38 MJ thermal energy.
A noncatalytic thermal decomposition of natural gas consume 26.375 MJ/Kg.
Subtracting (126.38 MJ – 26.375MJ) =100.005 MJ, that increases natural gas thermal efficiency
with 100.005MJ /55MJ = 1.818 times over the input with zero emission.
TICF thermal decomposition of natural gas is 3.56 times more efficient than classic thermal decomposition,
consuming only 7.5MJ/Kg.
Then an 0.250 Kg of Hydrogen input into TICF reactors result in 118,9 MJ of thermal energy output
with 118.9 MJ/ 55MJ= 2.16 more efficient than natural gas with zero emission.
Heavy hydrocarbons can also efficiently be decomposed into Hydrogen & Carbon by TICF reactors.
In addition black carbon is a valuable byproduct.
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